JEE Main: Tips to Solve Numerical Value (Integer) Questions

Numerical value questions are one of the important sections in JEE Main. Till 2024, students have the option to select a few questions and leave the rest; however, from 2025 onwards, this liberty of choosing the questions won’t be available, which means candidates have to attempt all the questions. In such cases, it is very important for candidates to mark the correct response, as there is negative marking for each incorrect response.
Marking the correct response becomes a bit easier in multiple-choice questions, but when it comes to numerical value questions or integer-based questions, students should take extra care to solve such questions because a slight mistake in calculation can affect the time management and overall rank of the candidates very badly. In this blog, MENIIT will provide certain tips to solve the numerical value questions in JEE Main.
Tips to solve numerical value questions
Integer-type questions require students to provide the correct numerical value for the given question. Such questions have more chances of getting incorrect, as in such types of questions, candidates have to write the exact values (rounded off in some cases). Numerical value questions also have negative marking, but apart from that, they can affect the pace of solving questions, confidence, and the most important thing, the time of candidates in the examination hall. Therefore, candidates need to have utmost care while solving integer-based questions, also known as numerical value questions. Let us look at certain tips that candidates can follow while solving integer-based questions.
- Clear your concepts. In order to answer correctly, it is important to clear your concepts.
- Read the question properly, understand the problem, and identify the given parameters and the unknown parameter.
- Avoid making wild guess. If you are not sure about any question it is better to leave that particular question and attempt the next one.
- In numerical-based questions, it is important to decide whether you are going to attempt the question or not; don’t spend too much time deciding about the selection of the question, as this would reduce the time for other questions.
- Don’t ignore the units; in physics and chemistry, units play a very important role. A lot of the time, candidates solve the question correctly but forget to write the answer in the given SI units, and due to this mistake, they lose marks as well as time invested in that particular question.
- Don’t be in a hurry while solving numerically based questions; this would increase the chances of making silly mistakes and would hence reduce your overall score.
- Recheck the question after solving. Rechecking the solution reduces the chances of making silly mistakes or calculation mistakes.
- Solve the previous year’s papers. It is better to solve the previous year’s questions so that you can have an idea about the type of questions that are being asked in the examination.
- Practice numerical-based questions daily. This would increase your calculation speed and reduce the chance of making mistakes in the examination hall.
- Stay calm while solving the numerically based questions.
- Don’t take unnecessary stress in the examination hall.
- Avoid being overconfident. Many students get overconfident in the examination hall and hence make silly mistakes in calculation, units, etc. Therefore candidates should avoid getting overconfident in the examination hall.
- Focus more on the sections where the probability of asking numerically based questions is higher. For example, in chemistry, a lot of numerical-based questions can be asked from the physical chemistry section; therefore, aspirants are advised to practice these sections more.
These are a few tips that can help aspirants to score good marks in the numerical-based questions in the JEE Main 2025 examination. However, these tips are general tips, and students are free to modify/change them as per their needs and conditions.
How to mark integer type questions in JEE Main?
Answer: Candidates have to write the correct answers in the integer based questions in JEE Main.
Which is the hardest section in JEE Main?
Answer: The section which is unprepared is the hardest section in JEE Main.
Which is the most important chapter of Mathematics in IIT JEE?
Answer: Every chapter mentioned in the official syllabus of JEE Main is important, serious candidates are advised not to skip any chapter.
What is the easiest section in JEE Main?
Answer: The section which is fully prepared and practiced well is the easiest section in JEE Main.
What is the total marks in JEE Main?
Answer: JEE Main is a 3 hour examination with a total of 300 marks.